Mobile Ultrasound Services is proud to be one of the few ultrasound organizations in Florida to provide bedside imaging services to patients of home health agencies and visiting physician services. We have serviced home-bound patients for over twenty five years and have an exemplary record of timeliness, efficiency and compassionate patient care.
All our technologists have passed Level II Security Clearance and have many years of clinical experience dealing with patients in their homes. We will coordinate our imaging responsibilities with other members of your care team to provide seamless patient service.
Mobile Ultrasound Services contracts only with Board-Certified Radiologists and Board-Certified Cardiologists to read all ultrasound and echocardiographic studies. Full radiological reads are typically available the next business day after acquiring your patients’ images, and we will transmit those conclusions to the appropriate entities of your choosing. Our technologists will also provide a preliminary report in cases where a venous study, for example, may indicate a necessity for immediate attention, even in advance of the full read. These preliminary reports will be transmitted to your agency at the conclusion of the study.
For further information on our home-bound patient services, please contact us. Contact Us
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